MassPREP On-Line Desalting Cartridges

Achieve reliable, reproducible results by effectively desalting proteins

Product description

MassPREP On-Line Desalting Cartridges

Achieve reliable, reproducible results by effectively desalting proteins 
Mass spectrometry is a powerful tool for intact protein analysis. However, salts in your sample can compromise analysis quality by interfering with ionization and/or form adducts with the investigated proteins. You can significantly minimize or remove the introduction of extraneous salt ions into the mass spectrometer with minimal sample handling using MassPREP On-line Desalting Cartridges.

MassPREP On-line Desalting Cartridges are an effective tool for desalting acidic, basic, and large globular proteins. The MassPREP desalting strategy provides an easy, fast, and reproducible approach for the effective desalting of proteins stored in physiological salt buffers prior to high-resolution ESI-MS structural analysis  enabling you to achieve reliable, reproducible results.

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